A handful of reviews has been popping up lately! Check out the following sites:
"I would thoroughly recommend platform-loving readers grab this one with both hands. It’s sleek, full of energy and well worth a single space-buck (or 69p for us Imperialists)."
/ GamerDork! review - Vertigo (http://gamerdork.net/?p=8285)
"1-UP (GOOD)"
/ 1-UP or POISON review - Vertigo (http://www.1uporpoison.com/xblig/vertigo/)
"Totally worth checking out. A fun hang around game!"
/Signed In - Podcast at 22:49 (http://www.signedinpodcast.com/?p=509)
"... a fun experience that taps into the primal thrill of speed..."
/Mash Those Buttons - (http://mashthosebuttons.com/2011/01/vertigo/)