torsdag 21 oktober 2010

Vertigo is up for playtest!

Its been a while since we wrote something now, but finally we have some newsworthy information for you guys. Its been a long ride, with a few bumps here and there but in the end Vertigo looks better then ever and is ready to reach out to all of your Xbox 360's out there!

But we have a few more things to do first. Vertigo is coming out on Xbox Live Indie Games and right now it is going through the "playtest" phase which basically means its getting checked for critical bugs that we need to take care of before releasing the game. That said we don't have a correct time estimation for how long that can take and also depending on how big / small the bugs that might get reported are, that will also probably push the release date back.

But we are on the final sprint with only a few meters left to go! And as the release comes closer we'll make sure to post about what is going on, again =).

Oh yeah and also this:

For only 80 MS points you will be able to play this with your friends! So stay tuned and we will make sure you know when the game is out there!

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