torsdag 3 februari 2011

Vertigo has been updated!

The update has finally arrived on indie games and the result of that shows itself when you start the game - it will automatically update itself to a much more stable version. If you download it fresh from the indie games section you'll be, of course, downloading the latest version of the game. So far this new version has not yet received a code 4 crash report and that is great, but if you do encounter any more problems please send us an email about it (

A handful of reviews has been popping up lately! Check out the following sites:

"I would thoroughly recommend platform-loving readers grab this one with both hands. It’s sleek, full of energy and well worth a single space-buck (or 69p for us Imperialists)."
/ GamerDork! review - Vertigo (

"1-UP (GOOD)"
/ 1-UP or POISON review - Vertigo (

"Totally worth checking out. A fun hang around game!"
/Signed In - Podcast at 22:49 (

"... a fun experience that taps into the primal thrill of speed..."