tisdag 21 april 2009

Warning! Currently in production!

So yeah, a break in the blog for a little bit more than a week. Stuff like that happens when you're full of stuff you need to do to actually have something to write about! We are not in crunch, we are just putting all our concentration into creating Vertigo, so therefore, again =P, our face on the internetz gets to suffer.

But as the good 'ol Swedish saying, "if you're waiting for something good, you can never wait for too long"!

I hope I'll be seeing some of you guys on Nordic game conference 19 - 20 May. The game will be on display and at the same time we are going to have new screenshots and a new trailer (my god our current one is almost one year old =0) up on the website for the world to see!
Speaking of the website. My mission this week is about building something completely new from the ground up, with the goal that it should not be as crappy as the current one. So in the end of the week we might have something delicious! That said, we reserve ourself for the possibility of delays.

So until next time! I'm signing out leaving you with a pic from the citynightlevel... yeah, I love cuddly-san^^.

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